We research: Escape game for therapeutic and guidance use

21.10.2024Kuusiluoma Reetta-Kaisa, Kahala Minna, Hannukainen Hanna, Nieminen Mikko, Valtanen SusannaWe research

The escape game is an adventurous utility game where you deduce and solve different tasks within a time limit. Escape games practice teamwork, communication, delegation and critical thinking skills.

The picture shows different games on the table and young people around the table testing the games. Photographer: Minna Kahala.
Participants test different board games before designing their own escape game. Photo: Minna Kahala.

As highlighted in the media, there has been a worrying increase in anxiety among adolescents and young adults in recent years. Neurodiversity has also been in the public eye. Fresh approaches to rehabilitation are needed to promote psychosocial well-being, work-life skills and everyday life management. Gamification is a gentle way of practising working life skills and teamwork.
The project "Escaping together – equality and inclusion through gamification" (ESF+) is developing an escape game as a board game to diversify the tools of rehabilitation. The escape game is aimed at people aged 16-29 with mental health or neuropsychiatric problems.

Support through inclusion

The game will be designed and implemented together with the young and young adults, strengthening their experience of inclusion and equality as service users. By involving the target group, their psychosocial well-being is enhanced, and exclusion is prevented. The escape game combines therapeutic and counselling content such as Aggression Replacement Training (ART), Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (DBT), psychoeducation and sensory friendly aspects.

The result is an escape game played as a board game that diversifies the range of rehabilitative tools. A package of materials will also be produced for professionals working with the target group, opening the possibilities of gamification.

Did you know?

  • Gaming is a rehabilitative activity. It promotes problem-solving skills and can have therapeutic and guidance content.
  • Gamification can be used to practice working life skills and teamwork.
  • Gamification is often perceived as an activity that promotes equality and engagement.
  • Adolescents and young adults from Pori, Nakkila, Harjavalta and Säkylä, among others, are involved in the development of the escape game.

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