Work and Education-based Immigration

The Research Center for Human Functioning will strengthen the availability of a skilled international workforce and the attraction of international education in Satakunta. The aim is to ensure that international skills remain in the region.

Satakunta needs more skilled workers. The aim is to increase the number of immigrants in the future, especially foreign degree students. Staying in a place or a country often depends on the job. It is difficult for a highly qualified immigrant to find a job in their field.

Work and education-based immigration challenges the development of integration, training and employment policies. As workplaces become more multicultural, there is also a need to invest in training and tools for the workplace, so that ethnically diverse workplaces can function and it is easy for international talent to stay in Satakunta.

Research projects on work and education-based immigration at The Research Center for Human Functioning will enhance the brand of international talent, the value of a multicultural work community and regional and university cooperation in immigration work.

Work and Study in West Coast Finland logo.

The Work & Study in West Coast Finland serves companies in Satakunta in international recruitment and attracts skilled labour to the region.

Ideas for co-operation? Contact:

Henna Kyhä

Henna Kyhä
Research Manager,
Head of Research Center for Human Functioning
+358 44 710 3134

Welcome to work!

The main objective of the Welcome to Work! project, running from 2023 to 2025, is to increase the number of recruitments (internships + employment relationships) by the private sector (micro, small and medium-sized enterprises) in the social and health sector in Satakunta, targeting non-native Finnish-speaking students and professionals in the social sector. An important objective is to increase language and cultural awareness in order to make it easier for professionals with foreign backgrounds to find employment in the future. The project aims to make Satakunta a more attractive region for social and healthcare professionals.

The MUNDO training model

The MUNDO training model is a multilingual, multidisciplinary, and multicultural training model created in the ESF-funded From Learning Steps to Work in Satakunta project in 2019-2023. SAMK developed and piloted the training model which comprises student module placements, tandem placements, and structured support for language and cultural learning. The MUNDO training model also offers training on these topics for everyone involved.

The MUNDO training model emphasises multilingualism, language awareness, and plain language.

Find out more about MUNDO.

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